Three kinds of operating systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux are supported. That is, we offer different download packages for different operating systems, either you are on 32 bits or 64 bits.
Please make sure the following items:
Make sure you didn't copy any space for the ID and SN; Make sure you haven’t omit the "==" characters at the end of the SN; Make sure you have installed the right product, not others. FFAP programme is different from FFA programme.
If you've never formatted your computer, please find your ID&SN from the following path: C:\ProgramFiles\FacebookFriendAdder\configuration\.settings\com.facebook.friendadder.launcher; If you've formatted your computer, please check you PayPal email for the license registration information sent from Remember to check the spam box; The last way is to contact sales support team to solve this problem.
Backup your accounts file and license ID &SN information. Uninstall the program from your old computer, then install it on your new computer. Contact us to reset your license, then you can run the software well on your new computer.
Usually, you may meet this problem when changing another computer to run the program or
get a new update. Just contact our 24*7 support team to reset your license, it will work again
after reset.
If you use "Windows Vista" or "Windows 7", please try to follow the steps to get any updates.
Open the following folder in your computer: C:\Program Files\Facebook FriendAdder; Right click on our program .exe file: FacebookFriendAdder.exe; Select "Run as Admin" in the content menu to start the program; After started, it will find an update automatically, so please just go through the instruction to update the program.
Please make sure you have marked the option" use decaptcher service to bypass all captchas" in the preference, and that you have input your correct decaptcher information. If it still doesn’t work for you, please login your decaptcher accounts to check whether decaptcher has updated the users’ decaptcher host. Please use your latest decaptcher host in our program to have a try.
Two method to help you as following:
Choose less interval time in the "Interval" options of the features respectively. Set the "Http request global interval" in the "preferences" features as you required.
Black stands for Active accounts. Green stands for Login Failed. Grey stands for Hidden accounts. Brown stands for Photo Verification. Purple stands for Phone Verification. Red stands for Disabled.
Pending is the number of those who you have sent friend requests to but didn’t become your friends; Added means how many friend requests you have sent by the program. Rate refers to the friend requests acceptance rate, and the formula of computation is
(Friends/ (Friends + Pending)) * 100%.
Select all accounts in campaign A, then click button Campaign on the left. It will pop up a box where you can type campaign B and then all accounts will be moved into campaign B after you click OK.
Select the targeted accounts first, and then right click on the selected accounts. There is an
option called "Start To" which can help you start to run any feature as you like.
Please make sure the accounts’ format is correct in a .txt/ .CSV file; Please make sure you choose the corresponding file type when you "import" the accounts; Please make sure you never change anything in the *.facebook file before importing it.
There are several possible reasons for the problem. Please run Bypass Login Problem feature on this account. It will print the log on the console. If it still get login failed error and you don't know how to solve it, please send the log to our tech support team for further assistance.
Please make sure you have input the correct email and password; Please make sure your Internet connection or proxy (if you are using proxy) is steady, Please clear your browser’s cookies and then login the account in the browser manually again to check whether it got some problems; Please login your account in the browser to see if your account have made some "Account Settings" to control your browsing and login security. Please clear your IE browser’s cookies and then try to add the account in the program again; Please change the program’s useragent to your system default useragent and then have a try;
Sometimes, the anti-virus software will destroy the accounts file when you update the software, so you’d better back up one copy and close your anti-virus before you update the software. However, if the accounts’ file has been destroyed, you can not get them back.
Please follow the steps to have a try:
Select the account -->click "Clear" --> "Friends Number"--> run the account with the feature Check Account Information to check the account again; If you had assigned proxy to the account, the problem may also show when the proxy is not very steady or time out, so please use the default IP to check the account again.
Assign a unique proxy for each account. Private proxies would be much better.Use the spin format of the message. You’d better edit the message by yourself when adding friends. The default one is just an example, and many clients may use the message. So people may think you are spamming and report/block you when they receive this message. Your accounts will be banned if more than 10 people report you. Pay attention to the content of update and message. If any URL is included, it’s better to use multiple redirection service. (Such as, tiny URL) Always keep the accounts in FFA, since it will keep the cookies and other information of your accounts, so it will be safe for your accounts.
The following are the possible reasons for a blocked account:
Change IP; Change Cookies; Overuse some certain feature; Post lots of similar messages or the same URL; Post messages or URL including any monitored keyword; Too many people block you;
7) Use a useragent which is not supported by;
8) Use a useragent which is monitored by;
9) Too many pending friends;
The software supports proxies of HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5.
The format of private proxies of HTTP: username#password@proxyhost:proxyport.The proxies of socks 4 and socks 5:
Open "Manage Proxies" dialog --> Click "Reuse Proxies" button --> Click "Assigning Proxies for Accounts" --> it will assign used proxies for your accounts which haven’t been assigned proxies.
That’s because our software can only check if the proxy is attached to the network, but it can’t check if the proxy can work on blocks some kinds of proxies and your proxy may be in the block list. So please try to login your account manually with the proxy by IE to see if it can login successfully.
Please go through the following steps:
Input these proxies in a text file (*.txt) as this format: Username#Password@proxyhost:proxyport, one proxy per line; Open "Manage Proxies" feature, click "Import" button, select the 3rd option in Files of type, and find the corresponding text file; Click "Assigning Proxies for Accounts", it will delete the proxies from the dialog after assigning them for your accounts. Then you will find each account has been assigned one proxy in "Manage Accounts" dialog.
Please follow the steps below:
Open Firefox, Click "Tools" --> "Options" --> "Advanced" ---> "Network" Tab ---> "Settings" in Connection box. Go to "Manual proxy configuration", put your proxy Port and Host in the corresponding box. Click OK to apply.
Click "Preferences"--> "Facebook"--> "Manage Proxies"--> "The max job number for…". Change the default number "1" to any number from 2 to 10, then the program will run multiple threads to check the proxies.
Make sure your proxy format is correct and there is no "*" or other characters in it. Your proxy maybe not unsteady, it is better to change another proxy for the account.
Please refer to the private proxy page. We have listed some proxy sites there. All sellers mentioned have reputations for the great quality of their proxies and excellent customer support. You can find one or two sites to buy proxies that best suites your needs.
Sorry, it can’t bypass all the kinds of login problems at present. It only can bypass captcher roadblock, birthday roadblock, some check points. We are trying our best to support bypassing other kinds of login problems.
"Check Account Information" can check account’s status and get account’s basic information. Login failed accounts will be showed green in the "Manage Accounts" dialog, but it can’t judge what the problem does the account met. "Bypass Login Problems" can check exact login problem and also can bypass several login problems for the accounts, such as "Account problem", "Server problem", "IP Problem", other kind of problems will be showed different color in "Manage Accounts" dialog.
Please click facebook->Manage Accounts. Select the account right click->Properties, input "Unknown" in the Phone field, click apply and ok button. Then run check account information again, this time it will display your phone number. Check Account information will not update Birthday, Sex, Phone information in Manage accounts, unless it is Unknown in these fields.
If you tick the option "Check out connected friend list and pending friend list", then the program will check your friend number automatically. Meanwhile, our program will record all connected friend and pending friends in Manage accounts.
Facebook doesn't provide any specific on the rate limits now, and people often send about 9-11 friend requests a day, but you had better test it by yourself. For more information, please refer to:
"Add Online Friends" means that you can add the most active and latest friends who are in the first page of the searched list. "Add Targeted Friends" means that you can add the targeted friends, but you should gather the member IDs from a page/group with the feature "Find Targeted Friends" first, and then add the friends to your accounts with this feature. Both can add friends from pages/groups to your accounts.
Please make sure the following items:
Make sure your account language is English (US). Since our software only supports English(US) at present. Login your account on browser manually, and click->HOME->Account Setting->Language to check it. Make sure you have selected the option "Delete used targeted friends from the text file automatically". If not, it may add the friends repeatedly. Some accounts set the privacy. They only allow the friends of their friends to add them.
Open the "Profile"--> Right click "See all"--> Select "Copy link location" or "Copy shortcut"--> Paste it in the address bar on the top, then you will find the ID there. If there is no display at "See all". Right click the profile picture--> Select "Copy link location" or "Copy shortcut"--> Paste it in the address bar on the top, then you will find the ID there.
If your account is new on Facebook, Facebook won't let you add too many friends or send many messages etc, it is more likely to get the warning message. Facebook sets limitation on adding friends or sending messages to strangers. If you overuse one function for some account in a short time, Facebook would send the error message as a warning.
This problem may be caused by these two reasons:
The issue of the proxy server setting or the unsteady of the internet connection. However, you can go to "Preference" to change the setting of "Http connection timeout" and "Http read timeout" to a larger one to have a try. You have replaced the ID for default ID of wrong option by mistake; For example, replace page's ID to "group member’s option.
Since our program keeps a record of the friends that have been added to every account, so if you keep your accounts within the program without removing the accounts and export the original account file, then all of the program will not add the same friends for all of the accounts. If not, then it is possible that you can add duplicated friends for all accounts.
Sending 9-11 friends request is the recommend setting for your reference. However, you can also test it by yourself. For the fresh accounts, please add less friends at the beginning, then increase the number gradually along with the growing credibility of the accounts. Assign working private proxies for the accounts if you have multiple accounts. People usually have 1-5 accounts sharing the same proxy. It is not recommended to change proxy frequently. Remove the pending friend requests with the "Remove sent request" feature at a regular time if you get too many friends lack of response of your requests.
As a security precautionary measure of the accounts, our program is set to stop the job while receiving the error for 3 times by default, while you can go to "Preference->Add Online Friends" to change the setting according to your requirement.
Use the "Account Friends" option in the "Message Online Friends" feature; you should set a proper "Stop At" to control how many friends to message per account per day. For example, if you want to message all the 2500 friends in 10 days, then you need to message 250 friends per day.
According to our tests, you can edit your message around 1000 characters. If it is more than the number, the program won't send the message and show the error information "Received an unknown error from".
Usually, the error message happens when there is a link in the message, and also it may be
caused by the bad proxies. You can try using the same account with the same proxy to send
the same message on browser manually to confirm.
Generally speaking, you are allowed to attach URLs in message. But you'd better not send
too many messages which contain same/similar URLs, otherwise Facebook will block your
Please make sure the following items:
Make sure your account language is English (US). (The program only supports this language at present. Login your account on browser manually, and click Home -> Account Setting -> Language to check it. ) Some accounts set the privacy. And they only allow friends to send messages to them.
If accounts accumulate too many pending friend requests, it will decrease your accounts’ credit point. Facebook may force your accounts to delete those pending friend requests or stop accounts from adding friends for some days.
Since Facebook deleted the "Pending Number" link, we can’t get the resource from
Facebook. But you also can check the number of pending friends request in "Manage
Accounts" dialog of the program. Only if you always use the program to add/remove
Friends for you accounts, and don’t remove the adding/removing information. (Pending
Number = Added Number – Friends Number)
As facebook had made some changes, pending friends are not shown on facebook now. Nevertheless, the number of pending friends is still shown in Manage Accounts of software.
Suggested friends requests can not be ignored by the program. The program can confirm the received friend requests as well as sending friends requests to the suggested friends by others.
Please make sure the data of the "Added" friends number is saved within the program. If the column of "Added" number shows 0, then the number of pending friend requests would also turn to be 0. The format is "Pending Number" = "Added Number" – "Friends Number".
Please select the account, "Clear --> Pending Number", and then check the account again in "Check Account Information" feature. Please make sure the option "Check out connected friend list and pending friend list" is marked.
Make sure your account language is US. Please login account->account setting->Language to check it. Make sure your connection and proxy is OK. Make sure you have updated the latest version. Please click->help->about->to check it.
Tip: The Sales Support Team is online 24*7. And the Technical Support Team’s working hours are 8:30 - 12:00 AM, 2:00 - 5:30 PM (GMT+8) from Monday to Saturday. Please feel free to contact us for any question or suggestion.