A: Sorry, all the accounts in our stock are Non-PVAs. In order to keep the accounts' safety, only when we receive PVA orders from you, the accounts will be verified to PVAs immediately.
A: Usually we just can provide Chinese phone numbers to verify the accounts. But we are trying our best to offer other country’s phone numbers, please have a close eye on "Latest News" to get latest news on this service.
A: Yes, for FFA/FFAP users, re-verification service is free within the sim card valid period while for Non FFA/FFAP users only enjoy 7 days free re-verification for PVAs.
A: 1. If you are FFA/FFAP users, just bypass roadblock by yourself with the following steps:
Go to Preference->Facebook->Tick the option of "Re-Verify PVA accounts automatically for Re-Vefiication needed accounts".Open "Manage Accounts" dialog, pick out the accounts which met mobile phone re-verified roadblock.Click "Ctrl" button and select the accounts, right click mouse, run the feature "Bypass Login Problems".After the program running, our order team will receive your re-verify requests, and they will do re-verify for you. At last, after we re-verified you, your accounts will be bypassed automatically in your software.
2. If you are Non FFA/FFAP users, please contact our order team and send us your account information, we will unlock your accounts within 7 days after orders sent out.
A: If you login the accounts with the creation cookies, it won’t be a problem to login the accounts with different IP or proxies. The method is to login the accounts with the default format which we sent to you by the free trial version of FFA /FFAP, and assign your proxies with ‘Manage Proxies" of FFA/FFAP. After checking the accounts with "Manage Accounts" with new proxies, you can login your accounts with the same proxies manually or other tools without any problem.
Browser cookie is an important factor for Facebook checking accounts status. If you login an account with new cookies under different IP or proxy, the accounts may get login problem. But it will be safe for you to change IP or proxy with same cookies.
There are enough aged Non-PVAs in stock, but all the PVAs are verified on the moment when
we receive your order. So you can only contact our order team to ask for aged Non-PVAs, but can't choose PVAs which were
already verified.
A: PVAs are verified by phone numbers while Non-PVAs are not phone verified. There are some more functions available in PVAs than in Non-PVAs. PVAs may send more friend requests without captchas than Non-PVAs in some degree.
For the sake of accounts' safety, we send the accounts as ".facebook" file format. We strongly recommend you use Facebook FriendAdder(FFA)/Facebook FriendAdder Pro(FFAP) to check them before you log in them manually with your proxies when you receive the accounts. Otherwise they would probably get roadblocks because of changing proxies or (IP).
If you don't have FFA or FFAP yet, please download FFA or FFAP to check the accounts.
Start FFA or FFAP;Click "Facebook -> Manage Accounts" in the program main menu, and then click "Import" button to import the .facebook file into the program;(Optional) Click "Facebook -> Manage Proxies" in the program main menu, then click "Import" button to import your private proxies, and then click "Assigning Proxies for Accounts" link to assign your private proxies for your accounts. Please notice that you can skip this step if you don't want to use private proxies(We recommend you use proxies if you have many accounts);Turn back to feature "Facebook -> Manage Accounts", then click "Select All"-->"Start To"-->"Bypass Login Problem"-->"OK" to bind the accounts with your private proxies (or new IP);Click "Export" button to export your accounts as file format: "Email:Password:Proxyhost:ProxyPort(*.txt)";OK. Now you can login your accounts with proxies (or new IP) by your browsers manually.
Notice: We won't take responsibility for being blocked or banned if you don't follow the steps above to check the accounts.
Tip: The Sales Support Team is online 24*7. And the Technical Support Team’s working hours are 8:30 - 12:00 AM, 2:00 - 5:30 PM (GMT+8) from Monday to Saturday. Please feel free to contact us for any question or suggestion.