Lively 24*7 Service -> Step 4: My Service -> Unlock Friend Photo Verification
 FAQ for Unlock Friend Photo Verification Service

1. Q: How could I know that my accounts get the Friends Photo Verification?

  1. A: Here are two ways to know that your accounts may get Friends Photo Verification: If you login your account by browser, you may get a message that you need to identify friends photo. If you manage your accounts in FFAP, you can use the feature Bypass Login Problems. The accounts in brown color mean that your accounts have got the Mobile Phone Verification roadblock..

2. Q: How do I fix the friends photo roadblock?

  1. A: Please order the service "Unlock Friend Photo Verification" from the sales page first, then export the account as .facebook format with its all information from the software FFA/FFAP. Then send the account file with your order information to our order support team (Email:, we will unlock the account for you. After unlocked, we will send you the account with new cookies for check.

3. Q: What’s the ".facebook" format in the specification form?

  1. A: The ".facebook" is one of account format in the software FFA/FFAP, it contains all the account’s information. Includes Email, Password, Proxy, Birthday, Sex, Phone, Added Friends list, Pending list, Status, Campaign, Cookie, Security Question, Security Answer, and Second Email.

4. Q: What kind of account can be easily bypassed?

  1. A: The account which was operated by FFA/FFAP, save all the account’s information in the .facebook file, include account email, password, operation cookies, all the added friends list.

5. Q: Do you use any proxy to unlock my account?

  1. A: Yes, we do. If you send the account with its original proxy to us, we will use the same proxy to unlock the account. Or we will use our proxy to unlock the account.

6. Q: When I can login my accounts to have a check?

  1. A: Please don’t login the accounts when we bypassing your accounts or it may cause some problems for this account, even lead to get banned. You can login the account after we sent back to you with .facebook format.

7. Q: Can you bypass all the account which met friend photo roadblock?

  1. A: We can bypass this roadblock for 90% accounts with full information, but for the account without any friend information, we can't unlock.

8. Q: How long will it take to unblock for my account?

  1. A: It depends on the quantity of the accounts; please check the sales page for more information.

9. Q: Do you provide any discount?

  1. A: Yes, we provide quantity discount, please check the table for reference.

10. Q: Could you help me to bypass other type of roadblock when unblock friends Photo
          verification roadblock?

  1. A: In the service, we can just unlock friends Photo verification roadblock. If there is any other type of roadblocks, we will try to bypass them if FFAP can achieve that. But we can’t assure to bypass them all. We won’t be responsible for other types of roadblocks. Please check the notice in the service page.

11. Q: How to check account when I receive them?

  1. A: When you get the account from us, please remove old accounts and check it on FFAP right away in the following way: Open feature "Manage Accounts"-->Click "Import" button to import the .facebook file into FFAP Open feature "Manage Proxies"-->Click "Import" button to import your private proxies-->Click "Assign" button to assign proxies for your accounts (you can skip this step if you are not using proxies); Turn back to feature "Manage Accounts"-->Click "Select All"-->"Start To"-->Choose "Bypass Login Problem" to check.

12. Q: What should I do if the accounts get the same roadblock when I receive them?

  1. A: Please check accounts rightly with the Notice in the delivered mail after we send your accounts, and if the accounts operate by FFA or FFAP encounter same roadblock within 24 hours after delivery, we can solve it without fee. After 24 hours had passed, we are not responsible for accounts if they happen some problem.
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